Staff and board members will be available to provide information and answer questions about 2017 services model.
Tuesday, Jan. 17
1:00 pm
Collier County Community Foundation, 1110 Pine Ridge Rd #200, Naples, FL. Snacks will be served.
Monday, Jan. 23
12:00 pm
Cape Coral Wellness Center, 609 SE 13th Ct, Cape Coral, FL 33990, 2ndfloor conference room. Snacks will be served.
Stability Ball Class
1:00 p.m.
This is an advanced class and requires mobility. Sign up by contacting Elyse: 239.298.3399
Note: to participate in any exercise classes at the MS Center, you must contact the instructor. See calendar for class schedule.
Saturday Watercolors Class is now filled.
Support Groups
Reminder: Transitions Support Group is on Tuesday’s at 10:30 am. Sign up with Les-Lee.
Caregiver’s Support Group will start a new session on Wed., January 18, at 2:00 pm. Sign up with Les-Lee.
Monthly Seminar
Friday, January 27, 1:00 pm
The “Step WiseLee” program explains how to prevent falls. You are invited to attend this interactive and interesting presentation held at the MS Center.