Program Notes

Client Information Sessions

Staff and board members will be available to provide information and answer questions about 2017 services model.

Tuesday, Jan. 17
1:00 pm

Collier County Community Foundation, 1110 Pine Ridge Rd #200, Naples, FL. Snacks will be served.

Monday, Jan. 23
12:00 pm

Cape Coral Wellness Center, 609 SE 13th Ct, Cape Coral, FL 33990, 2ndfloor conference room. Snacks will be served.

Stability Ball Class

1:00 p.m.

This is an advanced class and requires mobility. Sign up by contacting Elyse: 239.298.3399

Note: to participate in any exercise classes at the MS Center, you must contact the instructor. See calendar for class schedule.

Saturday Watercolors Class is now filled.

Support Groups

Reminder: Transitions Support Group is on Tuesday’s at 10:30 am. Sign up with Les-Lee.

Caregiver’s Support Group will start a new session on Wed., January 18, at 2:00 pm. Sign up with Les-Lee.

Monthly Seminar

Friday, January 27, 1:00 pm

The “Step WiseLee” program explains how to prevent falls. You are  invited to attend this interactive and interesting presentation held at the MS Center.

Please RSVP to by Tuesday January 24.