The Centers for Multiple Sclerosis

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Sign Up

If you have MS and live in Southwest Florida, you can register to become a client. Registered clients of the Centers for Multiple Sclerosis can receive the following services:

  • Support for the Body: MS focused exercise classes and physical therapy evaluation.
  • Support for the Mind: mental health coaching, support groups, case management, and connection to resources.
  • Support for the Spirit: art classes, meditation classes, and other activities.

If you are a caregiver of someone who has MS, we are here for you as well. If your loved one registers to become a client, you as their caregiver and other household family members can receive mental health support, case management, and connection to resources.



Registration is required to become a client of the Centers for Multiple Sclerosis. Join the family!  

After registration, you will receive a comprehensive intake and evaluation which will determine your individual care plan and recommended services.

All services are free of charge.

Contact us at (239) 319-0904 or e-mail

Each registered client receives a comprehensive intake and evaluation which will determine their individual care plan.


Centers for Multiple Sclerosis

The Centers for Multiple Sclerosis is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that has served the community since 2000. Its mission is to improve the quality of life for those in Southwest Florida affected by multiple sclerosis. Services include specialized exercise classes, care coordination, art therapy, mental health counseling, support groups, connection to resources, and educational activities.

The MS Center is not a chapter of a national organization. All donations received stay here in Southwest Florida to serve our local community.